Burke Rehabilitation Hospital
Pulmonary Rehabilitation and former lab partner
Cedars Sinai is working with patients who have long-term COVID-19 symptoms and has launched a multidisciplinary program to treat them. Patients receive a comprehensive in-person evaluation with an expert in infectious diseases or pulmonary medicine who can refer them to a network of specialists including cardiologists, pulmonologists, neurologists, and psychiatrists.
Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center
Pulmonary rehabilitation
University Of Texas Southwestern
UT Southwestern Medical Center has 20 clinical trials, 34 studies on the effects of the virus on other diseases. UTHealth is one of eight U.S. sites for the INSPIRE trial (Innovative Support for Patients with SARS COV-2 Infections Registry). Researchers are using a novel health platform that links them to shared electronic health records from consented patients to track long-term effects of COVID-19.
NYU published an article about two major clinical trials, one for development of a vaccine, and one to test antibody therapy. In addition, they are studying presence of special immune system defense molecules, called autoimmune antibodies, and their correlation to how people fare when hospitalized with COVID-19.
To inquire more about our fellowship program, please call toll-free (877) 957-7575 or email info@wrmail.org.