One of the missions of the Will Rogers Institute is to educate the general public on topics of health and fitness. In 2008, The Will Rogers Institute partnered with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America to honor one club each year for 5 years with a $5,000 cash prize. The award was given to […]
WRI is offering an updated 2013 edition of Managing Your Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The booklet, which was created in collaboration with the University of MN Center for Lung Science and Health, provides valuable educational resources to individuals with COPD and their families. The goal of the booklet is to provide a knowledge base […]
Continue readingPopcorn Lung
“Popcorn lung” is an irreversible scarring of the small airways in the lung. Popcorn lung is caused by chemicals some manufactures add to their microwave popcorn to give it a buttery taste. The chemical is diacetyl, which is a natural by-product found in cheese, butter, yogurt and wine. Damage from this chemical happens when large […]
Continue reading2012 Lung Research Award Recipient
DR. ELIZABETH G. NABEL RECEIVES AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING LUNG RESEARCH Dr. Elizabeth G. Nabel was presented the Will Rogers Institute’s Annual Award for Lung Research in Los Angeles, California. The annual award honors an eminent scientist for extraordinary work leading to advancements in treatment for lung diseases. She is the fifth recipient of the prestigious […]
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DR. ANTHONY S. FAUCI 2011 WRI’S ANNUAL PRIZE FOR LUNG RESEARCH RECIPIENT In 1968, Dr. Fauci came to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a clinical associate in the Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LCI) in NIAID. In 1974, he became Head of the Clinical Physiology Section, LCI, and in 1980 was appointed Chief of […]
Continue reading2011 AAHE Fellowship Recipient Diana Reindl
Diana Reindl is the 2011 American Association for Health Educators Fellowship Recipient. Diana is receiving her Ph.D. in Health Education from the University of Toledo, Ohio. Her focus is studying, researching and advocating tobacco control policies on college campuses. She assisted in authoring “Strategies for Implementing a Tobacco Free Campus Policy,” which has been accepted […]
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DR. BRUCE A. BEUTLER AWARDED WILL ROGERS ANNUAL PRIZE FOR RESEARCH The Will Rogers Institute’s annual prize for outstanding contributions to lung research has been awarded to Dr. Bruce A. Beutler. He is the third recipient of the prestigious $50,000 prize from the Will Rogers Institute. Bruce A. Beutler, M.D., is the chairman of the […]
Continue reading2010 Fellowship Recipient John R. Blosnich
John is currently working on a Ph.D. in pub- lic health science from West Virginia University (WVU). Mr. Blosnich has served as a graduate assistant for two different departments at WVU, as well as a screen- writer and production assistant for the Department of Pediatrics’ Communication between Parents and Adolescents (COPA) Project at the university. […]
Continue reading2009 Fellowship Recipient Karissa D. Horton
AAHE is proud to present the 2009 Will Rogers Institute Fellowship to Karissa D. Horton. Ms. Horton is currently a doctoral candidate in Behavioral Health at the University of Texas at Austin. Ms. Horton’s previous degrees, Master of Arts in Health Education and Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology were also earned at the University of […]
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DR. PETER AGRE 2009 AWARD RECIPIENT ANNUAL PRIZE FOR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO LUNG RESEARCH Dr. Peter Agre, University Professor and Director at John Hopkins Malaria Research Institute, Bloomberg School of Public Health, is the second recipient of the prestigious $50,000 prize from the Will Rogers Institute. In 2003, Peter shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering […]
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